alias Barack Obama: a conspiracy is born

15 videos • 779 views • by TheDrRJP "alias Barack Obama: the greatest birth certificate fraud in history" is a series of books and videos that spans four years and 3,000 hours of painstaking research and scientific investigation of the people and groups who perpetrated this fraud in plain sight. What you will see in these videos is the irrefutable visual evidence that,, the Health Department of Hawaii, and the Obama Campaign/Administration have orchestrated this fraud from the very beginning. They have deceived and defrauded all Americans, both liberals and conservatives, in the most egregious of ways - by false statements, fabricated documents, misleading press releases, violations of state and federal laws, changes in rules and procedures, denials of Freedom of Information requests, and vicious vendettas against law-abiding citizens for exercising their right to know the legitimacy of their elected President..