Crackdown (2010)

26 videos • 16,326 views • by Palisagrus Power Hour (Content warning: This LP is from 2010. Some of the jokes are outright gross and we are really not proud of that. We're really sorry for all the offensive or uncomfortable things we said back then!) Welcome to Crackdown! In this installment of The Palisagrus Battle-Blast Continuity, Ambisagrus and A Wooden Palisade slide into the dimension of super-powered buddy cops to get ready for some high-octane criminal-bustin' feel-good action! Watch as they choose from one of two cars - "The Good Car" and "The Donut Car" - with which to clean up the streets of Pacific City. Starring A Wooden Palisade as The Black Guy, and Ambisagrus as Himself. Rated T for Teen. The second voice LP with Ambisagrus and A Wooden Palisade, recorded for our old co-op thread in 2010.