2007 - This Is Civilisation ep.3

6 videos • 2,793 views • by CollingsShrine Episode 3 - Save Our Souls The rise of modern industrial society in the 19th century produced a crisis of faith and confidence in the very idea of civilisation -- a crisis that continues to freak us out today. In the third programme of the series, Matthew Collings follows in the footsteps of an eminent Victorian who diagnosed the problems of his age, and thought that art could be the solution to them: the visionary British art guru, John Ruskin. Ruskin wrote about art, nature and society, and showed how they were all connected. He famously championed the great British landscape painter JMW Turner, rescuing him from obscurity and pointing out to his fellow Victorians the urgency and power in Turner's turbulent landscapes. Matthew Collings starts his journey with Turner's work, exploring its visionary message -- both for his own times and for ours.