Beat Saber - From 5th month to 12th month
200 videos • 2,165 views • by Jizvic I'm learning Beat Saber day by day. The recordings are almost all my trophies from the music I played on the first attempt. I only record what I finished on the first try / Second try or what I played on a full combo. And sometimes I'll also record something that I've been training for a little longer if i like song. But I'm not focused on playing full combo. I think it will spoil the game. Maybe later. I much prefer playing something I've never played before. I like the reflex improvement. I still take it as First Try if I die in to 15 seconds and later finish it. I take various difficulties as First Try if the dice are ordered differently. If I play something a second time only at a higher speed, it is not the first Try but the second Try because the dice are lined up the same way. If I die after 15 seconds and play again, it's a second try. #beatsaber #beatsabergameplay