Helot Revolt In Your Face / Up Your Butt
9 videos • 100 views • by De Stijl Music Music and videos by Helot Revolt, legendary queer metal band active 1990-93. Helot Revolt grabbed national attention in 1991 with a transgressive combination of music, sexuality, performance art, activism, and spectacular live shows. Music press praised Helot Revolt's 1992 CD, "In Your Face / Up Your Butt," with write-ups in RIP, BAM, Details, Billboard, as well as in many zines that promoted the counterculture of the period. Helot Revolt coincided with the homocore and queercore movements, but had its own unique, polished, metal sound. Live shows featured a performance art troupe that played benefit shows for ACT UP, Queer Nation, City of Angels Hospice, and AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Helot Revolt shows were spectacular performance art extravaganzas with slide projectors, tape machines, costumes, dancers, and sing-alongs. In Los Angeles, Helot Revolt performed on bills with Tim Miller, Wayne Karr, Wendell Jones, Curtis York, Robbie Daniels, Molest Station, Daniel McVey, and others. In San Francisco, Helot Revolt performed as a live band on bills with Pansy Division, Malibu Barbie, and others.