Dealing with Watchtower
3 videos • 1,270 views • by David James I decided to make this playlist after being woken in the night and roundly abused for these videos by an American JW calling from a hidden number and calling himself "Nelson" - interestingly the name of the JW who was not that long back convicted for paedophilia cases when he was in charge of a Watchtower "church". After haranguing me for 1 hour, 11 minutes and 11 seconds by jumping around the scriptures, yelling over my defenses, quoting Greek and Hebrew with no attempt to make anything other than an American accent in them, which was painful just on its own, and telling me that I didn't know anything as he danced about his proof texts, he finally let me go warning me never to attack the JWs again. So just to show what I think of that, I've made this playlist of the videos concerned in order to give them more prominence. And if you do it again, "Nelson", I'm recording you next time, and that'll be the fourth video in the playlist.