Basics of VLSI

341 videos • 201,311 views • by in5minutes Through this course you would learn about #MOS based circuit realization using different design styles and also understand challenging issues in #data-path and #systemleveldesign The course would be useful for both #undergraduate students to understand all the topics from conceptual as well as exam point of view. For #graduate students this can aid as revision as also help them prepare for the interview Keeping your #busy schedule in mind, course videos are of #shorter duration on an average around #in5minutes As the instructor of the course Mr. Shah has himself completed his Master's in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California, USA [focused courses toward Analog and Digital VLSI Design] and have over 8 years of experience, he has taught the course keeping in mind that the students not only learn but also have fun while learning and perhaps it can be a trigger point in their career journey where they too can aspire to pursue #graduate studies in VLSI. Students whom he has taught have performed well in exams or have taken one step ahead and pursued Master's from prestigious US Universities such as #U.MichiganAnnArbor, #GeorgiaTech, #CarnegieMellonUniversity, #UniversityofMinnesotaTwinCities, #USC etc. and much more . After becoming a part of #Intel, #Qualcomm, #TI, #Apple etc. so many of his students thank him till today !!! Once you complete the course you would be able to: 1. Design #semiconductor #memories, high speed #adders, #multipliers 2. Design #MOS based circuits with different styles 3. Design, Analyze #MOS based #inverters and much more .... So what are you waiting for, grab a cup of #Cappuccino put your #air-pods and go have fun with #VLSI