From CEO to Construction Worker: A Heartbreaking Story of Starting Over
1 videos • 17 views • by Ly Tieu Thom The arduous journey of a husband, once a CEO, now seeking work as a construction laborer. The strenuous job proved too much, and he was dismissed after just half a day. Meanwhile, his wife and young child live under the roof of a stepmother, enduring exploitation and abuse. Will this small family overcome these hardships? Watch to empathize and share in this deeply touching story. ※ If you enjoy this video, please like and subscribe to support my channel. Thank you so much! ※ Thank you for watching Ly Tieu Thom’s video. ※ Click the "cc" button in the menu bar to select your preferred subtitles! ※ There should be subtitles available in your country's language. I hope you can find them, or you might be able to help someone unblock YouTube to enable subtitles in your language. ※ Our videos are available in 4K quality. Please choose the best video quality in the settings for a clearer viewing experience. #Romantic Couple #lytieuthom #engineer #ceo #LýTỉTiên #phạmthumountainlife #lytuthat #lythica #lytieuca #LyThiBinh #lytabinh #lyphucbinh #LyPhucAn #lyphucan #lýthịhương #lythihuong #lythingoan #lytutieu #lytuca #lytutay #lytieunu #lynguyennhi #lyhongca #lyhongca #LySoanSingleMom #singlemom #singlemomlife #singlemotherlife #lytamca # Singlemother15YearsOld #lytutay #lyhoaica #kindman #lyhaica #lytamca #lytutieu #lytuca #lifíeingle #lytutien #Thevillagechiefhelps #kindman #kindgirl #ceo #CEO #construction #contentction worker