Ignite Your Passion and Purpose
2 videos • 11 views • by Calm the Chaos Parenting - Dayna Abraham Rediscover yourself -- Find out what YOU want and what lights you up in addition to your kids. I want you to know that being a great mom doesn’t mean you can’t be great at something else too… (Don’t believe that lie!) You CAN be a yoga instructor, a painter, a writer, a project manager...or anything else you dream of, AND an amazing mom! We shouldn’t be made to feel guilty for thinking about life beyond motherhood… Because when you find your passion, amazing things happen--for you and your kids… You get clear on your values. You begin to focus on what’s most important to you and your family. You get to raise kids that know they are important too! When you don’t believe the lies, you show your kids that anything is possible! You teach them that they CAN follow their dreams and so much more...