USA Heavy Tanks

426 videos • 162 views • by How To Play WoT Replays Armored vehicles and gun carriers manufactured and fielded by the United States of America and other North American nations such as Canada. Overall, tanks from the USA faction are exceptionally versatile, sacrificing the advantage of specialization in certain fields so as to perform adequately in any situation. Generally speaking, American vehicles are adequate in most roles, and they are generally "Jack Of All Trades" but lack a specialization. However, they tend to perform well hull down, have good view range, and have good terrain resistance. American guns rarely have stellar penetration values, accuracy, or damage per shell for their tier, instead preferring rapid reload times. In miscellany, American vehicles tend to be larger than their counterparts, and tend to share many components such as guns, radios and engines, making research for multiple lines easy. They are a fairly easy-to-play and an easily understandable nation in comparison with other nations, but hard to master and use them to their full potential. Game: World Of Tanks