France Light Tanks

282 videos • 134 views • by How To Play WoT Replays Armored fighting vehicles designed or produced by the French Republic. French tanks tend to be extremely specialized tanks and each should be examined carefully before committing to play it. French tanks vary wildly between the tiers, due to the paradigm changes in historical doctrines around WWII. However, their core philosophy is geared around offensive action. At lower tiers, they accomplish this with trench-assault tanks with great armor, but are as slow as foot infantry and have mediocre anti-tank penetration power. At higher tiers, they are mobile and armed with great guns; but as very theoretical tanks developed in an era where HEAT made armour less useful, they sacrifice their armor in order to achieve that performance. Most mid or above tier French tanks have an autoloader with a drum magazine, which allow for several shots in a short period of time. Almost all French tanks suffer from having few crew members which makes for less variety when choosing crew skills or perks, lack of sufficient hull and turret armor at mid-high tier, lack sufficient speed and mobility at lower tiers, and their guns almost always have long aim times. All are meant for offensive action; lower tier French tanks rely on their armor to withstand enemy hits (especially machineguns, and autocannons) and higher tier French tanks rely on their speed to position stealthily and avoid hits. Lower tier guns tend to have poor anti-tank penetration, and will have trouble stopping other heavily armored vehicles advancing on them without premium munitions. Conversely higher tier tanks will find themselves handicapped on the defensive, due to the extremely long reload times on the automatic loaders. On most tiers, poor turret armor prevents them from using hull-down positions effectively. They also generally have very poor gun dispersion and aim times, which can be very frustrating and inconsistent. Game: World Of Tanks