The Rolling Stones a1
131 videos • 5,942 views • by Salgoud Samoht Monsieur Richards, l'homme est un Rock Star -- this playlist now includes some of the videos of live performances and promos by the stones from the official rolling stones yt channel. but of course it still has bootlegs of their music because those usually sound better to me than their officially released music, which often sounds as though an engineer from a huge music corporation applied cosmetic touches to the rolling stones music so it would be more palatable for the masses, and that is not how i like their music. stones bootlegs consist of unreleased versions of stones songs, some live versions of songs (Maestro Richards' guitar solo with wah-wah pedal on Fool to Cry in Paris about a week after his son, Tara, died . . . to me, his performance in that song is the essence of what great music is . . .). and there are many outtakes, demos, and studio weirdness, the last of which has produced some of the music por mi bando favorito de rock que gusta más y más, por ejemplo, Munich Hilton (25 years after i first heard it, i finally found the name of that song thanks to all the generous people who have uploaded their wonderful collections of stones music), Separately, the long versions of Indian Girl, No Spare Parts, Munich Hilton, and some other songs that have multiple titles, Stuck Out All Alone, Misty Roads, I Can See It, amo . . . i have many of these on the 15 (or 20 plus including live shows) Stones bootlegs that i have, but if i want to hear them, i have to get off the sofa and stand-up, reach behind me and select a CD, then turn around and take 3 steps to the CD player, turn it on, put the CD on, close it, and press play . . . . that's a lot of work, so i'm very grateful to all the people who supply the videos with such outstanding stones music so lazy people, like me, never have to get off the sofa to hear great music. muchas gracias a la gente que son alrededor del mundo y disfrutan los Rolling Stones.