Official Music Videos

13 videos • 372 views • by Holy Roller Baby Modern rock that rolls with primitive swagger. We love making music videos! Low budget, underground rock music videos from yours truly with million dollar ideas on thousand dollar budgets. Carefully-crafted by the band in tandem with some of our favorite actors, actresses, and indie film production teams. For fans not only of modern rock bands with something to say (Queens of the Stone Age, Royal Blood etc.) but fans of thriller, suspense, B-movie, and, of course, dark comedy genres. RIYL: Brian De Palma, Alfred Hitchcock, Billy Wilder, Chuck Palahniuk, and others. #hitchcock #briandepalma #billywilder #chuckpalahniuk #fightclub #bmovies #grindhouse #royalblood #thrillermovies #darkcomedy #qotsa #suspense #satire #kurtvonnegut