King Arthur: Knight's Tale (Very Hard/Ironman)
27 videos • 10,019 views • by TorNis Entertainment Another big scale TRPG/CRPG game released in April. And it's a proper 3D and everything, in case you are tired of pixel art or 2D art. I played King Arthur: Knight's Tale back in Early Access and it was already showing promising signs. Now that I have played the full version, I can certainly say this might be a contender for TRPG/CRPG of the year. Campaign plays out in similar fashion like Gears Tactics, except you have way more freedom for side content and customization. A lot of interesting design choices for combat and strategy layers. And this game even has a Moral chart with unique rewards so you wouldn't be able to get everything in one playthrough. Oh yeah, just like Gears Tactics, I decided to torture myself with Ironman on hardest difficulty, which means that I could nuke my entire progress of campaign just because of some script or event during fight that I didn't know. Will I be able to beat this on this challenge? Let's find out!