Word Resonance || Power vs Force
4 videos • 15 views • by Sirius This series is inspired by the list of calibrated words presented in POWER VS FORCE written by Dr. David R Hawkins who also produced ‘Scientifically proven Maps of Consciousness’ based on his experiments with Kinesiology. The centerpiece of Maps of Consciousness consists of the levels themselves, along with their corresponding numerical values on the calibrated scale of consciousness from 1 to 1000, where 1 is existence and 1000 is the highest level of Truth that occurs on the planet. All levels below 200 come from force and are destructive of life in both the individual and society at large; in contrast, all levels above 200 are constructive expressions of power. The decisive level of 200 is the critical factor point, the fulcrum that divides the general areas of force (or falsehood) from power (or truth) The ability to differentiate between high- and low-energy patterns is a matter of perception and discrimination that most of us learn by painful trial and error. Failure, suffering, and eventual sickness result from the influence of weak patterns; success, happiness, and health proceed from powerful attractor patterns. This exhaustive list ( as mentioned in Power vs Force) is an educational tool operating from the principle of closure. Reflection on the many contrasting pairs of qualities can initiate a consciousness-raising process, so that one gradually becomes aware of patterns operating in relationships, business affairs, and all the various interactions that make up the fabric of life. On the top are adjectives describing powerful (positive) patterns, which calibrate above 200; on the bottom, weak (negative) patterns, which calibrate below 200. Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese water scientist, born in 1943 in Yokohama, Japan wrote a New York Times bestseller “The Hidden Messages in Water”. Through his writings, he made millions of people realize that water is much more than just an H2O molecule. Dr. Masaru Emoto revolutionized the way we think about water, and its impact on our health, lives, and the environment. He was undoubtedly a genius of his time, one of the first of those who put forth the idea of water’s consciousness. One of the boldest claims of Dr. Emoto that he managed to prove scientifically was that water is sensitive to our thoughts, words, and feelings. Because of this, water can change its molecular structure according to the environment it is introduced to. For instance, Dr. Masaru Emoto argued that prayer and heavy metal music could influence the molecular structure of water differently. In his book, the Japanese water scientist and author says: “Water records information, and while circulating throughout the earth distributes information. This water sent from the universe is full of the information of life.” On the same principles this series contains repetition of a high calibration word (Power) playing underneath a water healing protocol which, put together with word and context, aims to put the water (in the listener) in a positive formations and resonate higher.