Mission Minded Clips
52 videos • 738 views • by ITEC As we look to the Great Commission in the Bible, Jesus makes it clear that we are to go and make disciples. To accomplish this mission, we are equipped with the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the Church. Fulfilling the Great Commission might look differently depending on the context, but every follower of Christ plays a role. We have had the opportunity to work with people all over the world who are passionately pursuing this command. We have been blessed to listen to their insights and continue to learn ways to support the work going on around the world. We wanted to share these insights with you. The Mission Minute series will be short videos clips from people serving in mission work. We hope that the insights and principles will be beneficial for you and the ministry that you are involved with. The insights and principles could directly relate to the work you are involved in, but will certainly be beneficial. We hope that these videos are just as encouraging to you as they have been for us. This first video in the Mission Minute series features a missions pastor who was also our first training dentist. The question that he poses, “What are you leaving behind?”, sets the tone for this series. We will be releasing a new Mission Minute each week which will identify seven main principles that we can use to examine our mission efforts in order to have a lasting impact, even on a short-term trip. https://www.itecusa.org/mission-minute/