Annyeong Haseyo,
This tiny ‘shorts’ channel is created to constantly remind myself of God’s ❤️ & presence in our lives. His love is constant and unwavering, and He is always there to guide us, support us, and provide us with strength.
So, no matter what you’re going through, remember that you’re never alone.
God’s love is always with you.
About myself:
This shorts is something I do during my spare time apart from work and study. I love Quotes and Sayings,
Arts, Crafts, cooking, traveling but most of all…I love JESUS CHRIST.
그러므로 우리는 긍휼하심을 받고때를 따라 돕는 은혜를 얻기 위하여은혜의 보좌 앞에 담
“세상에서 보고싶은 변화가 있다면 당신 스스로 그 변화가 되어라.”