Little Cardinal
The nick name Little Cardinal is from a small red cardinal in my backyard which can sing beautifully. He is free in spirit, can fly to anywhere as he pleased. However, home is where the nest is and always stay almost around the year in my backyard. I see him a lot in spring when the flowers bloom and during winter where he stays close to the bird feeder nearby. During summer time, when the weather is hot, he might be traveling to the north. The red color sticks out even among the most beautiful flowers in his surrounding as if he would like me to acknowledge his existence despite his tiny size.
Little Cardinal
The nick name Little Cardinal is from a small red cardinal in my backyard which can sing beautifully. He is free in spirit, can fly to anywhere as he pleased. However, home is where the nest is and always stay almost around the year in my backyard. I see him a lot in spring when the flowers bloom and during winter where he stays close to the bird feeder nearby. During summer time, when the weather is hot, he might be traveling to the north. The red color sticks out even among the most beautiful flowers in his surrounding as if he would like me to acknowledge his existence despite his tiny size.