Let's Learn Remote Sensing & GIS [daily].
'ktmagar's YT' ~ for ~ LEARNing ~ SHAREing ~ RE-LEARNing
Welcome to my channel! Here, I share content from my personal journey to enhance my skills and assist others. These videos reflect my learnings and interests and may contain errors. My goal is to share knowledge and support those interested in similar topics.
* Topics covered include Remote Sensing, GIS, R programming, Google Earth Engine (GEE), agriculture, and related subjects.
* Continuous efforts are made to improve technical aspects.
* Attempts will be made to provide content in Fr, Ru, and Es.
* Goal: To upload at least one new video per week, with a wish to post daily.
Feel free to like, comment, subscribe, share, or even dislike the videos.
Your comments, corrections, suggestions, and requests are always welcome.
You are wholeheartedly invited to join this channel.
For any important remote sensing opportunities or collaborations, please email me.
Thank you!