☆ Dobrodošli na moj kanal.
Moj kanal će se bazirati na novim igrama.
Isto tako bit će i nekih starijih igara koje nisam stigao odigrati, video komentara i live streamova u visokoj kvaliteti.
Samo opuštena i pozitivna atmosfera, a takav želim da bude i chat i želim da takvi budete i vi. 🙂
Hvala na svakom like-u i subscribeu!
☆ Welcome to my channel.
The channel will be based on new games.
There will also be some older games that I didn't get to play, video comments and live streams in high quality.
Just a relaxed and positive atmosphere, and that's what I want the chat to be like, and I want you to be like that too.🙂
Thanks for every like and subscribe.
© 2019 croatiantm™