Shalom! I am currently involved in the formal study of the Jewish faith with the view toward conversion. I have wanted to become Jewish since I knew that conversion was possible; however, I was bullied into remaining an Xtian by threats of Perdition. I studied with Scott Hahn, who was discomfited by my questions, questions that he could not answer. After a long, prayerful period of study, I decided firmly to convert to Judaism.
Being Jewish is *not* required to have a place in the World to Come. For those who are born to non-Jewish mothers, only obedience to the seven laws that were given by Hashem to Noah after the Flood is required. These seven laws are interspersed throughout the first nine chapters of Genesis.
Education: BS Human Development, minors in English and Psychology; two MAs English Lit and History; doctorate in Rhetoric and Composition. In addition to being a "Balabusta," I am also the Headmistress of a private Jewish school.
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