The greatest place to see the greatest clips from the greatest show, SEINFELD!
--that's what I used to think.
Now, I recommend the classic Batman: The Animated Series (B:TAS). Mark Hamill was a brilliant choice to play the part of the Clown Prince of Crime, Ace of Knaves, Harlequin of Hate or simply the Joker.
Also, movie wise... The Dark Knight!! It's the #1 movie of all time.
The greatest place to see the greatest clips from the greatest show, SEINFELD!
--that's what I used to think.
Now, I recommend the classic Batman: The Animated Series (B:TAS). Mark Hamill was a brilliant choice to play the part of the Clown Prince of Crime, Ace of Knaves, Harlequin of Hate or simply the Joker.
Also, movie wise... The Dark Knight!! It's the #1 movie of all time.