🌷faltan manos para seguirmela Pelando🤣
#Respeto a personas con discapacidades Mi canal es de entretenimiento— dando opiniones y pidiendo respeto alas personas en desventaja — NO al Bullying- No al acoso🙏Dios nos de paz para Reír y ser Felices el presentador de este canal da su punto de vista sin tomarce en serio
The info provided by the speaker presenter On-The-YouTube plattaform is for general informatiional purposes only. all information is provided in good faiith however we make no representación or warranty of any kind express or implied regarding the accuracy adequacy validity reliability availability or complétenss of this information THIS AND ANY OF THE VIDEOS IN THIS CHANNEL IS A WORK OF FICTION IN NO WAY DOES THIS VIDEO INSULT ANY STREAM FIELD PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT OCCUPATIONS THIS VIDEO IS JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSE IT SHOLD NOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY
TikTok 🌈. @cynthiacynthia42 🌷(915)219-2087
Instagram 🌷Cynthia.zarate.5036
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