YOUTUBE NEWS: Hi this is TDGROX11223344! And I'm back with YOUTUBE NEWS!I will have a new show AS SOON AS I get a vid camera. The show will be called "WOULD YOU RATHER?" MAYBE (If i could get them to do this) REYNA AND MATT! Plus Yulia, my sister, Viri, My cousin, and perhaps Brian, heroFANtom! AnYwAy SUBSCRIBE
YOUTUBE NEWS: Hi this is TDGROX11223344! And I'm back with YOUTUBE NEWS!I will have a new show AS SOON AS I get a vid camera. The show will be called "WOULD YOU RATHER?" MAYBE (If i could get them to do this) REYNA AND MATT! Plus Yulia, my sister, Viri, My cousin, and perhaps Brian, heroFANtom! AnYwAy SUBSCRIBE