My name is Ryan Duns, SJ and I am a priest of the Society of Jesus []. I am presently living and working in Boston where I am studying for a PhD in theology at Boston College.
I created this channel when I was studying philosophy and theology at Fordham University. While there, I also taught the course "Introduction to the Irish Tin Whistle."
I look at teaching music as a form of evangelization. As as my heart has been moved by the gospel, so too has it been moved by Irish music. As I have found a voice to testify to the Good News through years of prayer and study, so also have I found a voice in the tradition of Irish music through years of practice.
The goal of these lessons isn't to teach you neat tin whistle tricks. It is to help you carve out your own space in a much larger tradition, to claim a voice through which you can express yourself and add to the rich fabric of the tradition.