Welcome to UPARS!
Formerly MUFON-LA.
The (UFO & Paranormal Research Society)
$15 at the door, $10 for UPARS LA card carrying members
$15 at the door, $10 for UPARS LA card carrying members
Meeting are held the 3rd Tuesday at 8PM of every month here:
Unitarian Universalist Church
12355 Moorpark St.
Studio City CA
Welcome to UPARS!
Formerly MUFON-LA.
The (UFO & Paranormal Research Society)
$15 at the door, $10 for UPARS LA card carrying members
$15 at the door, $10 for UPARS LA card carrying members
Meeting are held the 3rd Tuesday at 8PM of every month here:
Unitarian Universalist Church
12355 Moorpark St.
Studio City CA