We are a sketch comedy television show produced at UCLA spearheaded by Stephen Cedars and Benji Kleiman, and spearbutted by a chosen few.
It turns out, dear viewers, that we're no joke, even if you're laughing at our work. We've proven that Dios is on our side. Nothing can get in the way of the Fireside Chats production team. Nothing except Dios himself... but let's be honest, he's our number one fan.
We are a sketch comedy television show produced at UCLA spearheaded by Stephen Cedars and Benji Kleiman, and spearbutted by a chosen few.
It turns out, dear viewers, that we're no joke, even if you're laughing at our work. We've proven that Dios is on our side. Nothing can get in the way of the Fireside Chats production team. Nothing except Dios himself... but let's be honest, he's our number one fan.