Ujjwal Bharat News (UBN) is an Bhartiya Hindi language news channel launched on 3rd November 2018 By M/s. Swarnim Global Services Pvt. Ltd. at GCC Club Mira Road East, Lighting the inaugural lamp by Singer Anuradha Paudwal (Padmashri), CA Suresh Jha BJP Leader, Smt. Veena Jha Chairmen of (SGSPL) In presence of all invited celebrities and Guests.
Ujjwal Bharat News stands for authentic news substantiated by true facts. Team of journalists work 24/7 to broadcast issues and topics which is directly impacting the citizens of India, Every issue faced in Our Country by mass of citizens like water supply, poor road quality, irresponsible governance by Police and bureaucrats, schools & hospitals and taking undue advantage of their institution power, all these and many more issues are being covered in our news to communicate to the Govt. of India.
Ujjwal Bharat News (UBN) is an Bhartiya Hindi language news channel launched on 3rd November 2018 By M/s. Swarnim Global Services Pvt. Ltd. at GCC Club Mira Road East, Lighting the inaugural lamp by Singer Anuradha Paudwal (Padmashri), CA Suresh Jha BJP Leader, Smt. Veena Jha Chairmen of (SGSPL) In presence of all invited celebrities and Guests.
Ujjwal Bharat News stands for authentic news substantiated by true facts. Team of journalists work 24/7 to broadcast issues and topics which is directly impacting the citizens of India, Every issue faced in Our Country by mass of citizens like water supply, poor road quality, irresponsible governance by Police and bureaucrats, schools & hospitals and taking undue advantage of their institution power, all these and many more issues are being covered in our news to communicate to the Govt. of India.