Welcome to the Vex999 channel!
Here, we upload:
- Fan Songs,
- Calm Down Micah Countryflips,
- Interesting videos,
- And more!
Below is a subscriber milestone list:
10 Subs: 29.03.2021
50 Subs: 31.08.2021
100 Subs: 14.03.2022
200 Subs: 27.06.2022
300 Subs: 21.02.2023
400 Subs: 12.12.2024
500 Subs: 13.01.2025
600 Subs: 11.02.2025
700 Subs: ✖️
800 Subs: ✖️
900 Subs: ✖️
1000 Subs: ✖️
1000000 Subs: ✖️
1000000000 Subs: ✖️ (never happening :sob:)
My videos are getting more rarely uploaded lately, so please give some support and time for some videos and/or requests!
That's it. Bye everyone.