Astrophotography can be an awesome thing. Just think about it - an everyday person sets up some gear on their driveway and captures some photons that have been traveling for thousands, and in some cases, millions of years through the universe before they entered their telescope and were captured by their camera! You can create images that, until now, you only saw produced by professional observatories.
In 2019 I retired and started my journey into Astrophotography. It was a bit like Alice falling into the looking glass: Choosing gear, assembling it into a useful configuration, setting up, polar alignments, pate solving, meridian flips, camera cooling, focusing methods, binning, Sequence control, calibration frames, stacking, image preprocessing, & Image processing - it can make your head spin if not explode.
I finally sorted all of that out - and I plan to use this channel & my website to share my results & learnings.
Visit my Website: /