Are we really so different? I have discovered for myself the ancestral roots of all the major racial groups. All of whom decorated with jewelry and body paint, danced and cried out to the heavens. They also all believed in a balnce between Mankind and Nature...They refer to God as "The Great Father" or "All Father" and to the Earth as "The Great Mother" or "All-Mother"...Aztec, Maori, Zulu, Lakota, Navajo, Pik....all of us are one humanity...children of the grandest Marriage in the known universe
Are we really so different? I have discovered for myself the ancestral roots of all the major racial groups. All of whom decorated with jewelry and body paint, danced and cried out to the heavens. They also all believed in a balnce between Mankind and Nature...They refer to God as "The Great Father" or "All Father" and to the Earth as "The Great Mother" or "All-Mother"...Aztec, Maori, Zulu, Lakota, Navajo, Pik....all of us are one humanity...children of the grandest Marriage in the known universe