Stock photography, Photoshop tutorials, Relaxing Music and Nature Sounds.
If you like photography, and if you were thinking about earning some money by selling photos online, I'm here to help you learn how to do that. I am in stock photography business since 2008 and I want to transfer my photo creating and photo editing knowledge to all the people who are interested in learning more about photography. Selling photos online is easy and very rewarding business that eventually creates a passive income.
I'll do my best to upload at least one video per week about selling photos online, or one Photoshop tutorial.
If you enjoy listening to relaxing music and nature sounds while working, sleeping, or meditating, this is the right channel for you. I created three playlists for you: these playlists contain: relaxing music for stress relief only, relaxing nature sounds only, and relaxing music mixed with nature sounds. I hope you enjoy them!