3 Parts
1. Christian Apologetics
2. Product Reviews (Mainly Guns/accessories/survival/knives/etc)
3. Tutorials (Ball spinning, juggling, card throwing, magic, video game, etc)
As a Christian Apologist my "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve" video has nearly 1 million views. That video and its VIRAL comments section started my journey. I have videos that prove the Bible is a supernatural book, contains advanced knowledge, and provides us with the T.R.U.T.H. (The Road Up To Heaven). I also do videos on all the world's major religions. I do not attack them or insult them but go to their websites talking to their people. I present what THEY believe. I then simply point out they are ALL works-based religions. Be good enough and you can get to Heaven, be rebirthed higher, become enlightened, become an ancient ancestor, or simply escape into nothing. ONLY Christianity says we humans have sinned and NEED a Savior. We need Gods help and that He wants a PERSONAL relationship with us.