Hello A&P enthusiasts!
My name is Professor Klein from Ohio University in beautiful Athens, OH. I have a passion to teach FREE high quality A&P for all! And so does our entire Anatomy Team at Ohio U! www.ohio.edu
This channel began as a way to teach my students A&P outside the classroom and now has reached the world!
Learn Anatomy, Physiology, Brain, Heart, Digestive, Renal, Reproductive, Muscles, Bones, Demonstrations, Chemistry, Skin, Cells, full lectures, and more!
I teach on a college level, but aim to provide a strong foundation for any level you may be at.
I also bring you study strategies, my top study tools, & leadership skills.
My lifelong goal for all my @professorkleinanatomy Channels is to use the revenue earned as a charity to purchase educational anatomy models for those schools that need anatomy models. So by commenting, liking, subscribing, and telling others about this channel you can help me achieve this goal!
Thank you for your support!
Professor Klein
Hello A&P enthusiasts!
My name is Professor Klein from Ohio University in beautiful Athens, OH. I have a passion to teach FREE high quality A&P for all! And so does our entire Anatomy Team at Ohio U! www.ohio.edu
This channel began as a way to teach my students A&P outside the classroom and now has reached the world!
Learn Anatomy, Physiology, Brain, Heart, Digestive, Renal, Reproductive, Muscles, Bones, Demonstrations, Chemistry, Skin, Cells, full lectures, and more!
I teach on a college level, but aim to provide a strong foundation for any level you may be at.
I also bring you study strategies, my top study tools, & leadership skills.
My lifelong goal for all my @professorkleinanatomy Channels is to use the revenue earned as a charity to purchase educational anatomy models for those schools that need anatomy models. So by commenting, liking, subscribing, and telling others about this channel you can help me achieve this goal!
Thank you for your support!
Professor Klein