Anonymous community operated service to report information to police to PREVENT and SOLVE crime and locate MISSING PERSONS.
Talk: 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) 24/7 Canada+USA
Type: 'Submit A Tip'
Text: TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637)
View how SMS Crime Tips Work here:
*Note* Comments left on videos are open for public viewing - Confidentiality only ensured by calling, submitting online or by text as noted.
Anonymity guaranteed by 1997 ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Anonymous community operated service to report information to police to PREVENT and SOLVE crime and locate MISSING PERSONS.
Talk: 1-800-222-TIPS(8477) 24/7 Canada+USA
Type: 'Submit A Tip'
Text: TOR and your message to CRIMES (274637)
View how SMS Crime Tips Work here:
*Note* Comments left on videos are open for public viewing - Confidentiality only ensured by calling, submitting online or by text as noted.
Anonymity guaranteed by 1997 ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada.