Hey, Welcome to my channel! I was once a touring musician and even a standup comedian for a while. I started this channel to showcase some great places in the city I live and then I started doing videos about retro gaming. Eventually the channel morphed into The Music Snob so I could talk about what I love most, music.
So as The Music Snob I'm trying to showcase artists that may have been overlooked since their peak or even artists that I may have just discovered. Sometimes I'll decide to showcase an entire album, and since i was a musician in a past life, I even pull out some of my instruments and play them badly just for the hell of it. And because I was also a comedian at one point, I can't help but make the odd smartassed comment.
I appreciate any and all subscribers, no matter which part of these different videos you may be here for.
Hey, Welcome to my channel! I was once a touring musician and even a standup comedian for a while. I started this channel to showcase some great places in the city I live and then I started doing videos about retro gaming. Eventually the channel morphed into The Music Snob so I could talk about what I love most, music.
So as The Music Snob I'm trying to showcase artists that may have been overlooked since their peak or even artists that I may have just discovered. Sometimes I'll decide to showcase an entire album, and since i was a musician in a past life, I even pull out some of my instruments and play them badly just for the hell of it. And because I was also a comedian at one point, I can't help but make the odd smartassed comment.
I appreciate any and all subscribers, no matter which part of these different videos you may be here for.