All about love....
and fun!
We are,
Curious how bikes have been build in the past and curious how technoligy develops within manufacturing and producing products.
The aim is to combine those two worlds and bring them together in my builds.
“HUHN” means “chicken” in my mother toung and fits perfect to what these Mountainbikes are ... heres why:
Getting dirty is fun, chickens live in the dirt, jet they look very elegant!
Chickens walk forward with their heads up high, while doing so they never loose focus.
Last but not least chickens have the skill to fly for short distances, mountainbikes do the same !
All about love....
and fun!
We are,
Curious how bikes have been build in the past and curious how technoligy develops within manufacturing and producing products.
The aim is to combine those two worlds and bring them together in my builds.
“HUHN” means “chicken” in my mother toung and fits perfect to what these Mountainbikes are ... heres why:
Getting dirty is fun, chickens live in the dirt, jet they look very elegant!
Chickens walk forward with their heads up high, while doing so they never loose focus.
Last but not least chickens have the skill to fly for short distances, mountainbikes do the same !