on Twitter: @I__Love_Trump
follow the wives- I am The Gunner's Wife
WATCH THE DECODE #VincentFusca writes #JFKJR behind Trump in Youngstown!
Fall 2018 The Gunner kept talking about un named tips as he enjoys the rebellious nature of any good "conspiracy" but we don't invest too much into them beyond pondering alternative theories
We like facts
One day I asked him "Who is #VincentFusca?" He said "oh some think he's Jr in disguise".
I thought "oh how absurd" & became focused on proving that it would be impossible that he's Jr, plus he died right?
My Quest to prove VF is not Jr began but I ended up proving IT'S HIM!
*NO movement affiliation
Independent film maker
As a film industry professional/Disney trained character animator my expertise in staging, human anatomy, behavior, body language, movement & lip reading allow for factual critical analysis
All material on this channel is original decode work, fresh observations & groundbreaking VF & political proofs.
on Twitter: @I__Love_Trump
follow the wives- I am The Gunner's Wife
WATCH THE DECODE #VincentFusca writes #JFKJR behind Trump in Youngstown!
Fall 2018 The Gunner kept talking about un named tips as he enjoys the rebellious nature of any good "conspiracy" but we don't invest too much into them beyond pondering alternative theories
We like facts
One day I asked him "Who is #VincentFusca?" He said "oh some think he's Jr in disguise".
I thought "oh how absurd" & became focused on proving that it would be impossible that he's Jr, plus he died right?
My Quest to prove VF is not Jr began but I ended up proving IT'S HIM!
*NO movement affiliation
Independent film maker
As a film industry professional/Disney trained character animator my expertise in staging, human anatomy, behavior, body language, movement & lip reading allow for factual critical analysis
All material on this channel is original decode work, fresh observations & groundbreaking VF & political proofs.