Friday 13th September 2019, Magdalen Berns, aged 36 died of brain cancer. After she died she wanted her videos to remain inspire others :-)
This next part is much more interesting, its Magdalen’s own words...
This channel is about, offering a counter narrative to media disinformation with blunt humour and honesty; lending a voice to other likeminded women, often misrepresented by self described feminists of the mainstream; giving ideological opponents an opportunity to reassess the assumptions of their arguments and simplifying complicated issues to make them accessible.
I am, a lesbian (not the political kind); a physics graduate (University of Edinburgh); a FLOSS accessibility hacker (the legal kind); an XX feminist (not the fun, kind); ex-amateur boxer (the competitive kind); a blogger; an activist; a cultural libertarian; a Londoner; a critic of religion, capitalism, identity politics, conservatism, neoliberalism and socially imposed gender norms.