I'm Jan. if you are on your spiritual path and you are slip-sliding around I have some fabulous answers and good news for you.. Join my Channel and invite your friends!!
Are you part of the Awakening Team to bring sanity, Truth and Goodness back to the earth Experience? Join us!!
This Channel highlights Programming that is positive, uplifting.
It includes Be the Light Meditations, The Queens Caravan Spiritual Walkabout Tour videos, Special Events, It also includes Women Helping Women SOAR internet interviews…so curl up and listen in for some wonderful information and conversations.
The program was created in conjunction with the Global SOAR initiative: Sounding our Authentic Resonance. T
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Contact: Jan Jorgensen (Cercone) RN, MA, CMP, PHN , Rev, PhD
Website: Soundandlighthealingarts.com
Facebook: SOAR...Voice of Truth Initiative, join our Group!