New videos will not appear on YouTube but on the Internet Archive because surveillance capitalism and fake DMCA takedown nonsense, plus heinous algo-driven adjacent content that generate ad revenue for fascist bigots, not to mention Google's own AI scraping, has rendered this site and all behemoth corporate web portals as untrustworthy and intolerable.
Find the far superior site for archiving and sharing your media at My collection there can be found at this url:…
And you can find me on mastodon at
New videos will not appear on YouTube but on the Internet Archive because surveillance capitalism and fake DMCA takedown nonsense, plus heinous algo-driven adjacent content that generate ad revenue for fascist bigots, not to mention Google's own AI scraping, has rendered this site and all behemoth corporate web portals as untrustworthy and intolerable.
Find the far superior site for archiving and sharing your media at My collection there can be found at this url:…
And you can find me on mastodon at