Everything Goes Dance Studio is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and was established in 1996. Created by the late Shannon Calderon Primeau and now directed by Kelsey Faulk Perez, EGD is known as the most diverse dance studio in the OKC Metro area, offering everything from classical dance styles to folkloric, to commercial and street dance. Classes are available for ages 18 months all the way to adults, for all ability levels.
Everything Goes Dance Studio is located in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and was established in 1996. Created by the late Shannon Calderon Primeau and now directed by Kelsey Faulk Perez, EGD is known as the most diverse dance studio in the OKC Metro area, offering everything from classical dance styles to folkloric, to commercial and street dance. Classes are available for ages 18 months all the way to adults, for all ability levels.