-Green is Gameplay Series content (Live Commentary; Abridged for Watchability)
-Yellow is Variety and Topical content (Guides, Analysis, Reviews & etc.)
-Blue is Live-Action Personality content (Coming Less Than Soon!)
-Red is Miscellaneous (One-Off and/or General Conent)
-Shorts range from general clips to mostly promotional content for pre-existing/upcoming videos
Playlists help to organize and navigate content by grouping individual Gameplay series together, as well as grouping content by overall series and or video style letting you avoid one form of content or another if all you want is content related to a certain game series, strictly topical content or whatever else. I can't promise interruptions won't occur, but as far as quality-of-content goes, the Gameplay Series will never be censored or compromised as it is literal live-commentary made for harvesting footage and opinions. "Performed" content will be more clean-cut but still true to form.