In this channel, Acharya Nidana Academy, you are going to learn how to learn Roga Nidana (Ayurveda diagnosis) in a systematic step-by-step manner. In this channel, you are going to learn to apply fundamentals of basic science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) with Ayurveda fundamentals, so that you are going to get a deeper insight into causation, progression and the manifestation of disease. Overall knowledge of the above information helps you plan your daily rituals so that optimum health can be attained without much difficulty.
It is being said in western medicine, deep learning of physiology helps one to become an excellent pathologist. Deep learning of pathology helps the doctor to become an excellent medicine man. Same way, a proper understanding of physiology and pathology in Ayurveda makes the Ayurveda practitioner to become successful Ayurveda practitioner.