Formerly "Lunar Dream Tarot"- the channel's rebranding reflects Inevitable Changes of the Soul's Journey.
When I first started this channel, we had a lot of fun with many catchy titles & 18+ readings. Eventually, I felt that I never considered the Sacred Journey one must take to gain their Soul's Growth & Ascension. The journey can be tedious, lonely & frustrating as we battle our Shadow Self & endure The Dark Night of the Soul.
We constantly cross paths with many souls embarking on their own path of Life's Trials & Tribulations. We gain friends & make enemies, experience happiness & heartbreak along the way- all encounters lead us to discover the True Meaning of Life & gaining the courage look at our Reflection in Life's Mirror.
Thank you for allowing me to become apart of your journey.
I leave you with the gentle reminder that what I say is NEVER set in stone.
You, hold the power to change the outcome in all things.
*Big hugs*