"The Show" is a live radio program that is filmed for TV and is a variety program with an Urban Latino perspective focused on the comm-uni-vers-ity with commentary & art focused on topics ranging from politics to social justice to street logic. Intermingled you will find live performances from artists that come with flavor in all styles.
The one thing that you can expect when you watch The Show is the unexpected.
So check it out! Who knows? You might actually like it...
"The Show" is broadcast out of the Independent Media Center, 202 S. Broadway, Urbana, IL 61801.
"The Show" is broadcast on cable on two channels - Urbana Public TV Cable Channel 6 and University of Illinois Cable Channel 7 that reaches up to 30,000 homes in Central Illinois via COMCAST.
For the newest content, visit: www.TheShow1045.com
"The Show" is a live radio program that is filmed for TV and is a variety program with an Urban Latino perspective focused on the comm-uni-vers-ity with commentary & art focused on topics ranging from politics to social justice to street logic. Intermingled you will find live performances from artists that come with flavor in all styles.
The one thing that you can expect when you watch The Show is the unexpected.
So check it out! Who knows? You might actually like it...
"The Show" is broadcast out of the Independent Media Center, 202 S. Broadway, Urbana, IL 61801.
"The Show" is broadcast on cable on two channels - Urbana Public TV Cable Channel 6 and University of Illinois Cable Channel 7 that reaches up to 30,000 homes in Central Illinois via COMCAST.
For the newest content, visit: www.TheShow1045.com