I'm Neels van den Berg, an American Bladesmith Society Mastersmith and a voting member of the Knifemakers' Guild of Southern Africa.
My journey in the world of bladesmithing is more than just a profession; it's a fervent love affair with the craft. Every moment spent in my workshop is a dedication to honing and perfecting the intricate details of my creations. As an artisan, I immerse myself in a perpetual state of learning, always seeking to elevate my skills and push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of knifemaking.
Daggers, with their historical significance and intricate designs, have become the focal point of my craft. The challenge lies not only in the technical aspects of creating these blades but also in infusing each piece with a soul and character of its own. Crafting a dagger is not just about the blade; it's about telling a story through steel.
Thank you for being a part of this adventure.
Warm regards,
Neels van den Berg