432HZ UNIVERSAL DAY - Every day, no matter where you are, spread the Frequency of Life and Love. In this YouTube channel will include all the videos that you as musicians, singers, dancers, artists will send via email, as a celebration for the 432Hz every day and it will be testimony of this wonderful event. We also invite every person on Earth to listen and broadcast the 432Hz music from their homes, cars, all kind of locations. We are joining YouTube channels, radios, televisions in different parts of the world, which will be unified, the live broadcasts that musicians, together, will make from their locations.
Please contact us at: universalday432hz@gmail.com
432HZ UNIVERSAL DAY - Every day, no matter where you are, spread the Frequency of Life and Love. In this YouTube channel will include all the videos that you as musicians, singers, dancers, artists will send via email, as a celebration for the 432Hz every day and it will be testimony of this wonderful event. We also invite every person on Earth to listen and broadcast the 432Hz music from their homes, cars, all kind of locations. We are joining YouTube channels, radios, televisions in different parts of the world, which will be unified, the live broadcasts that musicians, together, will make from their locations.
Please contact us at: universalday432hz@gmail.com