Live for The Outdoors is a website created by the teams behind Trail, the UK's best-selling and most influential hiking magazine.
The internet and world of social media is an endless maze of information when it comes to finding the best places to hike and run, and the best outdoor gear to wear while you’re out there. So our mission is to bring all of that information together on a website you can trust.
All of the gear reviews on Live for the Outdoors are written by experienced industry experts. The kit we test is chosen purely on merit and the products we select are determined by their suitability to meet the criteria for each review. All of our tests are completely independent and free from commercial interests.
Our route guides and destination-focused articles are written either by Live for the Outdoors staff or our trusted team of freelance contributors, many of them guidebook authors and all of them leading authorities in the outdoor industry.
Live for The Outdoors is a website created by the teams behind Trail, the UK's best-selling and most influential hiking magazine.
The internet and world of social media is an endless maze of information when it comes to finding the best places to hike and run, and the best outdoor gear to wear while you’re out there. So our mission is to bring all of that information together on a website you can trust.
All of the gear reviews on Live for the Outdoors are written by experienced industry experts. The kit we test is chosen purely on merit and the products we select are determined by their suitability to meet the criteria for each review. All of our tests are completely independent and free from commercial interests.
Our route guides and destination-focused articles are written either by Live for the Outdoors staff or our trusted team of freelance contributors, many of them guidebook authors and all of them leading authorities in the outdoor industry.