▲ all videos here created by ~★ pinkwork™ extraterrestrial entity 外星生命體 who passed by this material planet 路過此星球 during its space-time travel, occasionally 偶然會 would "abduct" 活捉 some quirky minded humans 奇怪思想的人類 to "study" 研究, including indie musicians, pop artists, designers, poets, illustrators, photographers, theater actors ... etc.
✶ my newly-created animated Robot 新創造的「機械人」's Channel ▶ youtube.com/qooradio
✶✶ my Book 實體書《New Age人神秘經驗檔案》 literally means "Files of New Age People's Mystical Experiences" in English is OUT。Details ▷ pinkwork.com/radio/archives/1287